
星期六, 十月 21, 2006




回头再看这场争论,我真想告诉这位与我同龄的Wee Shu Min同学,不要太自以为是、得意忘形了,有太多的人在许多方面都比你强,即使你考试是全国第一,也未必就说明你有多优秀,或者你在任何一方面都比别人强。而且,一个真正的强者是会以同情心对待那些弱者,那些所谓“losers”或者“suckers”的。当然那些对她做众多攻击的人们,也应该仁慈一点对待一个18岁的teenager,特别是当她已经道歉而且关闭了自己博客的时候。



Blogger xialanxue said...

Thanks for translating!

3:55 下午  
Blogger Jiong said...

To benjamin:

I agree with most of what you said here. The so-called "meritocratic" system in Singapore is too exclusive, and favours the well-off and the powerful. My personal experiences have also taught me that there are a small group of Singaporeans who always think highly of themselves and hold a rather offensive belief that they "own" the nation. The whole system of government scholarships, GEP, streaming, etc. should be overhauled if not trashed completely (some have indeed been abolished recently, as I have learnt). But I would also say that the public should show more sympathy and compassion towards the girl herself; her thoughts are revealing of the views of her parents and those men in power in the country, but she is still very young and cannot be held fully responsible for what she has said.

And I would choose to believe her apology regarding her use of language. Her criticism of Derek Wee's article is also to some extent valid, if we disregard the disgustingly elitist tone that is pervasive throughout the article.

1:09 上午  


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