
星期二, 十一月 21, 2006
读到一篇文章,题目是Why was there no Marxism in Great Britain,谈的是19世纪的英国史。马克思和恩格斯当年就是在资本主义的萌芽地英国考察腐朽的资本主义的,深入调查世界上最早的工人阶级的生活状况,搞出了《共产党宣言》,写出了《英国工人阶级状况》。但奇怪的是,马克思主义从未在英国扎根;按理说这里是最早开始压迫的地方,反抗也就应该最早开始;但事实是,共产主义在英国根本没有号召力——左派的工党,在最激进的时候都从不称自己是共产主义的政党,最多只承认是社会主义。


Elections had always been exciting and, if contested, recognizably part of the great British sporting tradition.The (partial) elimination of corruption from parliamentary elections accompanied the (partial) elimination of corruption from sport, and sport and elections remained consciously linked activities: thus the introduction into political discourse of metaphors borrowed from sport, a passion common to all classes --- [e.g.] "fair play" ... It was typical that Baldwin should have resigned in 1929, although the elections gave no party a majority, on the ground that it would have been "unsporting" not to have done so. The effect of this was twofold: by emphasizing the play-element in politics and the rules of the game the sphere of political action was severely circumscribed; The fact that the rules were (on the whole) strictly followed made the need to contemplate alternatives even less pressing.

(Source: "Why was there no Marxism in Great Britain?", in McKibbin, Ross, The Ideologies of Class: Social Relations in Britain 1880-1950, pp.1-41)


High hopes were once formed of democracy; but democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people.

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